During the summer we have started the Rubber Ducky Summer Reading program at our local library. It is a great program for toddlers and their parents. Today we turned in his paper with six activities done for the month of June and my son received his prize Rubber Duckie, which happens to be reading a mystery book. Some of the activities that we did to earn that were not limited to, but included: read a book with a parent and point to pictures in the book, make up a song with your child's name in it, sing the alphabet song, help your child turn pages in a book, and do finger plays and nursery rhymes. So far, the program has been really fun. If we do another six activities for July then my son will get a free book from the library. Technically, we have already done all 12 activities, but you can only turn in for one month at a time. Today at the library they gave us a new sheet and chances are we will fill in another 12 before the end of July.
This summer has been busy so far and also feels like it has just barely started. My son was able to spend some time with his two cousins at our house for a couple of days. While they were here we read many books together, but there was definitely a favorite! We had gone to the library before they got here and checked out some books that would fit all of their ages. We found a book called, "Bedtime for Monsters" by Ed Vere and it was the best bedtime book of all. My nephew especially liked it since monsters are kind of amazing to him right now. This is such a cute book and it focuses on how the monster is going to try and eat you. He finds you by riding his bicycle and asking for ketchup. In the end it appears that you are safe from monsters because they also have to sleep, but it might be a wise decision to put out a plate of cookies for the monster... just in case. Every night at bedtime my nephew asked for the monster book and I think by the end of the week all of the adults in the house had it memorized. :) This book is in the category of: bedtime stories.