Since my son is getting older he can now sit for a full length story and not just a board book. We do still read the board books and he enjoys them, but we are definitely shifting the attention-span. We started our reading session with Mr. Cookie Baker by Monica Wellington. This books is great for helping children learn a sequence of events. My son really enjoys looking at the pictures of all of the cookies once they are decorated. The vocabulary in this book is simple enough, but still exposes young children to "kitchen" words, such as "mixes," "measures," "ingredients," and "recipe." Of course, at the end of the book there is an opportunity to put the "kitchen" vocabulary to use. The book provides four different cookie recipes to try out. We haven't had a chance yet, but we will probably try one in this coming week. Maybe when we are making the cookies and waiting for them to bake we will read this again so that the idea of making cookies becomes something that is more than just pictures in a book. This book is in the category of: Hobbies and Sports.
We also read, Counting Birds by Jing Jing Tsong. This is a board book that emphasizes counting from one to ten. Each bird that joins the others in the singing tree has a different sound so by the time you have all ten birds in the tree you are reading a very rhythmic verse of bird calls. Watch out at the end for a different type of animal call! This book is in the following categories: Counting and Number books, Sound Exploration, and Animal Books.

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