Thursday, August 1, 2013

Building a Foundation

     I have always been under the impression that children need a strong foundation to build their education upon and I feel that that starts right at home.  One of the ways that I feel I am able to help my son build his foundation for knowledge is through the books that we read.  Now that my son is able to sit for longer periods of time, we are starting to get beyond the board books and more into the actual story books.  You could say that our latest read was inspired by this thought...
     This afternoon, right before nap we read, "Block City" by Robert Louis Stevenson.  This was originally published as a poem and was written in 1913.  Later, Daniel Kirk put illustrations with the words and that was what we read today.  The pictures are very vibrant in color, but still simple enough for a young child to thoroughly enjoy this book.  Because my son is really into blocks right now, this is the perfect book for him.  The rhythm of this poem is easy to follow and also seems to be the key factor in making this such a wonderful story.  So, here's to old classic poetry and one of my favorite authors, Robert Louis Stevenson.  This book is in the categories of: sound exploration and music/poetry books.

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