We also read Click Clack 1, 2, 3 By Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin. I love the original in this series, Click Clack Moo Cows that Type. This was a watered-down version of the many antics that the animals on the farm get involved with. This was a great way to count the different animals or the different parts of the plan to drive the farmer crazy. This book is in the following categories: animals and sports.

The next book we read was definitely not my favorite in more ways than one. We read Time By Simon Basher. It highlights the daily life of a baby, using very few words. The concept of making a book that focuses on "breakfast time" or "play time" is great, but I don't think this book quite captured that. The pictures in this look very strange to me and are of this little character named BoBo. I don't know if I just didn't get it, but typically I don't think of kids in books having X's for eyes and being shaped like some weird blob. We really didn't spend a whole lot of time with this book and it is a rough introduction to the concept of time. This book is in the category of time.
The last book that we borrowed from the library this last time was Snowflake Baby By Elise Broach. This is a lift-the-flap book that is about a child who is playing in the snow. My son really liked the flaps in the book, but I don't think he was all that interested in the way the words sounded. Maybe that is because in California we don't experience snow in that way. This is a great book as an introduction into the winter season. This book is in the following category: winter.
So, we had some winners from this last pick at the library. We also had some that were... not-so winners. Of course that is all a part of the adventure of reading. We will go to the library again today and who knows what we will end up with this time.
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